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Sector: Legal
Client: National Accident Helpline

Maintaining an enviable position in a competitive landscape

National Accident Helpline provides personal injury claims advice, service and support to those who have suffered a no-fault accident in the UK. Targeting B2C, their audience is anyone who has sustained an injury through someone else’s negligence. They wanted to ensure they were ranking at the top of the SERPS for headline terms and that they were market leaders in their field. Once they reached the top, they needed to maintain their enviable position in a volatile online landscape.

What did we do?

To hit National Accident Helpline’s objectives, we needed a winning strategy. Combining the power of SEO, content and digital PR we were able to design and deploy a strategy that hit every objective.

Building an organic foundation

A solid organic foundation was required to achieve their organic growth objectives. Supporting them through their website replatforming project, we followed our pre, during and post migration processes to ensure their rankings and traffic did not suffer.

Moving onto technical performance, our 100+ point audit revealed the need for best practice improvements and more optimised site content. Considering various factors which affect ranking signals, we optimised onsite meta data including title tags and descriptions. Ensuring their site was in the best position possible for search engines to find, map and rank their webpages, we then used content to improve their online authority and visibility.

Operating in a Your Money Your Life (YMYL) industry, we knew that in-depth, high quality content highlighting their expertise, authority and trustworthiness was just the ticket. Conducting extensive keyword research, we identified phrases with the highest raking potential. Underpinned by our data-driven insights and Google’s Search Evaluator Guidelines, our in-house content writers crafted SEO optimised content featuring natural links and keywords to increase National Accident Helpline’s industry authority.

Using our exclusive in-house optimisation tools, we improved their onsite content to maximise the website’s ranking potential. Taking this approach ensures the volume and depth of content, the brand’s authority and reputation signals are optimised to help Google return the most relevant search results to the user.

Supplementing SEO with digital PR

National Accident Helpline’s domain authority was lacking compared to their competitors. With a technical foundation and top-quality content in place, digital PR was added to the mix to close the competitor gap and bolster SEO efforts.

Due to rolling lockdowns, the nation was spending more time than ever before at home. Taking this sentiment, we investigated potential accidents that could occur at home including common incidents, causes and where they are most likely to take place. To support this, we created a brainteaser asking people to spot the hidden hazards around the home. Pushing this creative asset out to a range of national media, we were able to generate numerous high-quality links for the campaign.

The Objective

  • Maintain leading market position for headline terms

  • Find incremental gains in a highly competitive market

  • Grow organic traffic, leads and enquiries