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Paid Social

In the UK, consumers spend a whopping 2 hours a day on social – too good an opportunity to miss.

You only need to consider the time you spend on social media to realise that so too does your target audience.

We use precision targeting capabilities including demographics, geotargeting, interests, behaviours and more to get your brand and product in front of the exact audience you want to reach.

The work doesn’t stop once your ad is live. As a paid social media agency, we use our six-prong approach to continually optimise your paid social advertising campaigns, striving for results that are even better still. From budget allocation to experimenting with your bids to find what price generates the greatest return for your business, we look for opportunities within your audience. We even test time of day or week adjustments, refining your ad creatives to ensure your social marketing ads investment pays dividends.


Solely a B2B social media platform, LinkedIn members have a business mindset, open to learning and considering new propositions that will benefit their company. A prime audience for reaching decision makers, 39% of LinkedIn members are senior-level executives and above, with 4 out of 5 driving business decisions, and a substantial 28% being directly responsible for budget management. You don’t get much more direct access than that!

Offering sophisticated targeting, our ability to tailor your campaigns to meet your specific market is exceptional. From industry to company size, job titles to seniority, even down to particular company names or connections, we can maximise your budgets.


A staggering 64% of users visit Facebook every single day. Used most predominantly in our ‘downtime’, Facebook is an effective channel offering a low cost per click. Users often aren’t looking for anything in particular. Instead, they’re browsing, available to disruption and open to whatever may cross their news feed.

As a certified Facebook advertising agency, we know how to stop scrolling in its tracks. We give your business the best chance of capturing attention through precision-built Facebook campaigns that consider location, interests and demographics. This is coupled with the appropriate selection of engaging ad formats including carousel ads, image ads, play in feed videos and even event ads.


More than 1 billion unique users watch over 6 billion hours of video every month on YouTube. That’s a phenomenal amount of time spent on just one platform. If you’re one of the 1 billion, no doubt you’ve come across YouTube ads including Bumper Ads – the bitesize, unskippable video ad that plays before, during or sometimes after your chosen video.

A maximum of six seconds, Bumper Ads allow you to make the most of the consumer video obsession, reaching potential customers. But six seconds is barely any time at all to get your message across. Getting video creative right is crucial but thankfully, we’re skilled in crafting killer video creatives for YouTube advertising that capitalise on those precious seconds to increase brand and product awareness.